Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where have I been?  Trying to get DotS to the top of the charts at  It shot to #7 in a just a week, but got stuck between the #7 & #8 spots for November.  It's currently at #4 and if I can keep it in the top 5 for the rest of the month then HarperCollins will review it.  This could lead to a book deal.  So here's hoping.

I really didn't think being on the site would be work, but as it turns out, I have to approach each of the 20-30 new members each day and convince them to read the book (well, 1/2 of it is posted on the site) and then Pick it as one of their favourites.  The problem is you can only 5 favourites, so the book gets bumped off lists after a while.  This is going to be a long nerve-wracking month.

In other news, I just finished my local book tour which went pretty well.  Sold lots of books and hopefully word about the DotS will spread after Christmas since most of the book sold are going to be Christmas presents.

I keep waiting for a little downtime from this book promo stuff, but I think there never actually will be any.